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Pupil Leadership Team

Pupil Leadership Team

 Carr Pupil Leadership Team and School Council

At Carr Junior we have an active Pupil Leadership Team and School Council who work with Miss Arksey and other members of staff linked to our school priorities.

The Pupil Leadership Team structure promotes pupil leadership opportunities, enabling our children to develop valuable communication, organisation and debating skills through key roles of responsibility and new experiences. It allows pupils from all year groups to be actively involved in the way that the school is run.

Our Pupil Leadership Team aims are to:

  • Represent all pupils and include as many people as possible.
  • Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views.
  • Feedback to pupils about what happened about their views.
  • Action decisions that have been made or explain why they can’t happen.

Our Pupil Leadership Team and School Council this year allows every child to make their own unique contribution to life at school. In our committees, we will work together to improve many aspects of school life, making sure everyone’s voice is heard.

So far this year, our Leadership Team have:

  • Attended meetings to establish priorities.
  • Helped to run our new Library bus ‘Bookend Cottage’ by becoming Librarians.
  • Started to work alongside the Wellbeing in Mind Team to promote wellbeing.
  • Had training in Sports Leadership and led groups of children in activities at playtimes.
  • Supported the office team by taking the messages and information from the school office to classes.
  • Provided a snack service at playtimes.

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