The curriculum at Carr Junior is relevant and inspiring! We have given careful consideration to our children, their experiences and needs and developed a bespoke curriculum model that caters for them specifically.
We believe in our aims of: being positive; caring for each other; and succeeding together:
Living the shared values of Carr Junior’s Golden Threads.
We believe that education should support personal growth:
Creative activities that inspire every pupil to go further than they ever thought possible.
We believe in a broad, balanced, and enriching curriculum:
Purposeful and ambitious learning for all pupils.
We believe in meaningful education beyond the classroom:
Our curriculum intent is to ensure that our curriculum gives children deep knowledge, while allowing them wide opportunities to develop enquiring minds and develop their own opinions. We prepare children for their next steps; from key stage to key stage and beyond. We want our children to leave us equipped with the skills and motivation to contribute to the common good within their community, address global challenges and flourish in a complex world. Ultimately, we want our children to believe that they can change the world for the better.
Our Golden Threads of the highest expectations, nurturing relationships within and beyond our community and fostering creativity allowing children to be individuals are embedded throughout our Curriculum.
Our curriculum is implemented through whole school Big Ideas. These are whole school, cross curricular themes that aim to inspire and excite children about new learning.
Through each Big Idea, the children go on a Learning Adventure from launch to landing. Children use knowledge organisers to support their learning so they remember long term the content they have been taught.
Elements of a Learning Adventure include:
We value each child’s contribution and individuality. Our children’s individual Learning Adventure scrapbooks are full of published work which they are proud to share with others.
We share our learning on our X (Twitter) page.
We have created bespoke Curriculum Progression Documents for each subject to allow learning objectives, knowledge and skills to progress across school. Please see each subject page for these. To see how the National Curriculum objectives are covered across school please see our Curriculum Maps below.
The impact of our curriculum approach is that it truly inspires learners, igniting a learning passion and developing ‘learning for life’. Reading, Writing and Maths are taught as discrete sessions in the morning, but wherever possible they will link to the current Learning Adventure. Teachers ensure a clear progression for all subjects and have high expectations for children’s achievements in every subject. Knowledge Organisers are used for science and foundation subjects to ensure children remember what is taught long term.
For further information on the key strands to our curriculum take a look at the subject pages below by clicking on the links:
Year 4 raising money for @OscarsCharity with another rugby challenge! #community #carrstars
Year 4 Completing one of our charity rugby challenges for @OscarsCharity #community #carrstars
Lots of drumming fun to end the half term in 3P! #carrstars #selfbelief #happy
Year 3 rugby tournament #CarrStars #determination #self-belief