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  • Ensure our children behave kindly, responsibly and safely online.
  • Equip children with confidence to use new technologies and software.
  • An enjoyable curriculum with clear progression that allows children to succeed now and long after primary school.

If we want to ensure that our Carr Stars aim high & shine bright it is vital that we give them the tools to do so. It is therefore our intent to be aspirational and achieve their absolute potential by having the highest expectations of their own learning; have self belief that they can use of a range of technology and to understand its place in today’s world; be curious and ask questions that extend their knowledge; use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour and identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.  


To make sure we are able to implement our intent, we have scrutinised the three main strands of the Computing curriculum; digital literacy, computer science and online safety. The Computer lead is constantly updating their skills and in regular communication with the computer community within the MAT and service provider. This helps to keep up to date with any trends, changes or dangers within this fast paced and ever changing subject.

We implement our Computing curriculum through: 

  • Using an effective Long Term Plan for teachers to ensure pupils have access to different  opportunities to use a range of software to build their digital literacy skills.
  • We chose Kapow Primary to help deliver Computing because it allows us to fully cover the National Curriculum, ensuring that pupils make progress in all areas. It has a variety of lessons that expose pupils to various applications, programs and hardware. This variety ensures that each lesson is engaging and challenging every week. 
  • The Computing curriculum is currently delivered by 1 teacher throughout the school.
  • Implementing high quality planning of computer science that ensures consistency and progress in teaching throughout their time at Carr
  • A creative and innovative approach using a range of high quality computing resources
  • Ensuring staff and volunteers are trained and confident in online safety, identifying and responding to concerns 
  • Teaching children and young people the skills to stay safe online using advice, guidance and through nurturing a relationship of mutual respect and trust. This is achieved through regular class online safety lessons (Content mapped by Kapow to ‘Education for a connected world’). Online Safety is also covered as a whole school approach in half termly assemblies following the SMART (safe, meeting, accepting, reliable, tell) message.
  • Sharing helpful advice and resources with parents and carers through weekly newsletters and termly workshops. 
  • Developing robust online-safety policies and procedures
  • Regularly reviewing and improving our online-safety provision
  • Logging and monitoring any concerns 

The impact of this is that our children:

  • Have a broad knowledge of digital media
  • Have an understanding of why computer science is so important to us and have a working knowledge of the basics.
  • Understand the importance of staying safe online and being kind online. They should know what to do if they have any concerns.

We are constantly checking the impact and looking for gaps through lesson drop ins/observations, learning walks, e folder checks, planning and year group scrapbook scrutinies and pupil voice questionnaires.


Computing Long-term Plan

Computing Curriculum

Computing Progression of Skills

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