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School newsletter

This week, our new Common Room opened for the Y5 and Y6 children. This is a new lunchtime provision which Miss Harrison is going to run every day for the whole lunchtime. Each day, the children have had the opportunity to go to the Common Room in their class groups. They have really enjoyed trying...
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Wow! What a week! It started with some of our brilliant Y4 and Y6 Carr Stars showing off their sporting prowess on Monday at the SB Mat Sports Festival. It didn’t go to plan as the weather had other ideas but our little stars didn’t let that bother them and still did their absolute best....
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I am thrilled to let you know that our report from the recent Ofsted inspection (19th/20th September) is now out. The school has been judged to be GOOD in all areas including overall effectiveness, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. Earlier today, I sent a covering letter and a copy of the...
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It has been lovely to have the children back in school after the Easter holidays. They have been busy starting the new Big Idea for the term which is ‘The World We Live In. Each year group has their own Learning Adventure and you will have received the latest newsletters and Knowledge Organisers giving you...
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Happy New Year! We hope that you had the most wonderful Christmas. This week it has been a pleasure to welcome our Carr Stars back to school and start their learning in 2023. I was so impressed by how smartly the children presented themselves on Wednesday and they were all so positive about their holidays...
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We were so impressed with the Coronation Crown competition entries today! A huge well do to all those who made them at home. The children wore them to our celebration assembly t morning and did their best royal waves to show them off. Mrs Hepworth had the tough job judging them and the winners will...
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Thank you to all the families who joined us for our Open Evening on Wednesday this week. It was so lovely to see so many people in the school. We recognise that it has been a long time coming and that many families have never stepped foot in the school so we hope you felt...
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What a treat it was to end this week with our first VIP Celebration Assembly in almost 2 years! It was so lovely to have some parents back in school and the children loved receiving their certificates in front of their families. Getting back into our as-semblies has been great this week. It is amazing...
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Thank you so much to everyone who came to support us at the Christmas Fair on Friday. It was so nice to have people in school again. We are so grateful to Friends of Carr for organising everything and making it such a success. You are all Carr stars! Read the full newsletter
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It has been another great but busy week in school. I am pleased to report that our wasp situation seems to be getting better so we are hopeful that we will be able to get back into the hall and restart our assemblies next week. Our Local Governing Body were able to meet in person...
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