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School newsletter

I hope that you have all had a good week and that you are looking forward to the weekend. This week, Y6 were lucky enough to be invited to watch the dress rehearsal of the show ‘Matilda at York High School. Opportunities like this in Y6 are so important for transition and building aspirations for...
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It has been a great week in school but a little quiet as most of our Y5 Carr Stars have been away on their residential visit at Kingswood. They have had an amazing time and have really impressed the staff with their positive attitudes and resilience – we are so proud of them! I would...
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This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week. We have marked the week by sending the children home with their own copy of a ‘Happy Space’ guidebook. We also marked Safer Internet Day on Tuesday with a special assembly exploring the theme of respect and relationships online. It would be great to talk at home...
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It was great to welcome the children back to school this week after the half term and hear about their holiday antics. They all came back with big smiles on their faces and looking very smart! Read the full newsletter
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We have had a busy couple of weeks since our last newsletter. It was so great to see so many parents attending our Parents Evenings last week. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate the progress the children are making. I was really grateful to all those who completed a parent survey. We are...
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What a great end to the first half of the Spring term! Yest/rday, it was an absolute pleasure to take the Young Voices choir to the concert at Sheffield Arena. We sang as part of a 5202 strong choir which was a great thing to be part of. Our Carr Stars made us so proud....
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I hope you have all had a wonderful Summer. It is so lovely to be sending out the first newsletter of the new academic year. I wrote to you all briefly earlier this week to say a big thank you for ensuring the children were ready for the start of term and looking so smart....
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I hope you have all had a happy half term holiday. It has been great to talk to the children about what they got up to during half term – it sounds like you were all very busy! We have had a great first week back of the new half term and our last one...
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Hello and welcome back – we missed you! We hope you have had a wonderful break over the Summer holidays. It has been fantastic to have all the children back in school this week although we aren’t sure why the sun has waited until we all come back to shine so brightly! I have chatted...
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Happy Easter and happy holidays to all of our Carr stars and their families! We have made it to the end of a really busy and challenging term. We are proud of how hard the children have worked right up until the end of the term – they all deserve a really good rest (and...
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