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School newsletter

What a great first week back and start for our final half term of the year! A huge thank you to all those who joined us on Friday for our Jubilee picnic. It was such a wonderful sight seeing our children and families back together on the school field again enjoying precious time together, seeing...
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A great non-uniform day today! Thank you all so much for your generous donations towards the tombola for FOCS. These will help to raise valuable funds for school. This week we took our Y6 pupils to London. We were incredibly proud of their resilience as they tackled a very early start, a long day and...
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This week has been all about Christmas! The children have had a great time, at the start of the week, getting creative for their Christmas craft day. Then we had a very special visitor from the North Pole on Tuesday morning when Comet the Reindeer came to see each class. We couldn’t get over how...
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It has been a great second week back into the new school year. It is wonderful to see how quickly the children have settled back into their learning routines and they are showing super resilience towards the curriculum expectations of the new year group they are in. We are really proud of how brilliantly the...
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This will be the final newsletter of the year so I would like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE thank you to all of our fantastic parents / carers for all the support you have given to our school throughout this year. I realised earlier this week that this is the first full...
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This week, I have been visited by a number of children wanting to show me their improved handwriting. All children have taken part in a handwriting focus as part of our English lessons and the progress made by many children is superb. In order to keep up this expectation of excellent presentation, the children are...
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It has been another great week in school with the children starting to explore their Learning Adventures in more detail. We hope you enjoyed reading about what the children will be learning this term in the year group newsletters and the new Knowledge Organisers. Like last term, the knowledge organisers are for you to look...
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We are so incredibly proud of our Y6 Carr Stars this week. Each and every child has risen to the challenges of their SATs tests. They have had such positive attitudes and have tried their best in all subjects – we couldn’t have asked any more of them! Read the full newsletter
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It has been an exceptionally busy week for us this week. The children have really enjoyed their Big Idea launch activities. From 4 pretending to be Vikings at Murton Park to Y6 and Y5 exploring Ancient Egyptian pyramids or Mayan ruins through VR headsets, there has been lots of engaging learning going on around school....
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Firstly, I would like to say how proud we are of the Year 6 children this week. They have ‹ worked so hard in every single test – we could not have asked any more from them. Well done you all. You all deserve a lovely restful weekend now! Read the full newsletter
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