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School newsletter

It was lovely to welcome all of the children back to school this week after our holiday. It has been great to chat to them and find out about all of their Easter eggs! I have been really impressed with how quickly they have settled back into the school routines in the new term and...
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It was lovely to welcome all of the children back to school this week after our holiday. It has been great to chat to them and find out about all of their Easter eggs! I have been really impressed with how quickly they have settled back into the school routines in the new term and...
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My goodness, we had a very dramatic start to the day today when one of our favourite trees was blown over in the storm! Luckily, some of our early bird and eagle-eyed Carr Stars and their families had spotted the tree starting to lift and came to tell us straight away so we could make...
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It has been another great week in school this week. Year 3 have loved getting into their Roman Learning Adventure with a special visitor on Monday, Year 6 really enjoyed their First Aid day on Tuesday and Year 4 have been getting into their Forest School sessions linked to the Vikings. Read the full newsletter
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It has been lovely to see a bit more sunshine this week and especially for our 6 children who went to Homestead Park on Wednesday for their post SATs treat day. They had a great time playing games and doing lots of climbing! Earlier this week, we had visits from the Headteachers of Knavesmire and...
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This week, we have been looking more at our behaviour systems in school. We were really lucky to be able to visit another school in York to discuss systems, policies and practice which are having a great impact on behaviour and attitudes to learning. I look forward to updating you on our progress as we...
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Happy Red Nose Day! Thank you so much for all of your kind and generous donations towards the Comic Relief charities, we have raised a fantastic £207.50. We are always proud to support such a great cause and really appreciate the support of all of our families. See below the details of another fundraising event...
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It has been such a busy week in school. Thank you so much for supporting us at home this week with all of the busy things we have had going on. Lots of children wore their odd socks to school on Monday for the start of Anti-Bullying week. We had 3 days of very competitive...
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It has been such a busy week in school. Thank you so much for supporting us at home this week with all of the busy things we have had going on. Lots of children wore their odd socks to school on Monday for the start of Anti-Bullying week. We had 3 days of very competitive...
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Happy Red Nose Day! Thank you so much for your generosity and support with our ‘Break the Rules Day. We are so pleased to tell you that we have raised a huge £620.79 for Comic Relief – Wow! The children have had such a fun day being rebellious (we might just have to remind them...
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