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School newsletter

This week, we kicked off on Monday by allowing the children to watch the first England World Cup game against Iran. It was so great to hear the collective cheer go up in school each time England scored! Year 6 were lucky enough to have a visitor from Bletchley Park as part of their Computing...
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As well as enjoying the sunshine, there has been so much great curriculum work going on this week in classes. Some classes have been doing lots of investigative work in Science. Some have been enjoying DT projects linked to their Learning Adventures which they have really enjoyed. Once again, we would like to say a...
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This week, we had another visit from the Headteachers of the other schools in South Bank MAT. The Headteachers joined lessons and talked to the children about their learning. They were incredibly impressed with how calm and engaged the children were in their learning in all of the classes they visited. There was a real...
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This week has been STEM week in school so the children have taken part in some fantastic Science investigations. You can see lots of the activities they have been up to on our Twitter page @CarrJunior York. It has certainly looked like a lot of fun and the children have been really engaged in all...
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It has been another busy week in school. We have been enjoying getting into our new and final Big Idea of the year – Great and Ghastly events! Children across the school have been working on their new Learning Adventures. In years 3-5 you will have received the year group Newsletters and Knowledge Organisers. Please...
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It has been lovely having the children back in school this week after the half term holiday. I hope you all had a really great week and managed to relax a little bit. In classes this week we have been busy carrying on with our Learning Adventure work and we have started a whole school...
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This week the children have really impressed me with how they have been moving around school. For those who have been into our school, you will know that we have long and wide corridors which are very tempting to run along! We have been talking to the children and reminding them of our expectations for...
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We hope you have had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend. We have had a good week in school carrying on with our new Big Idea and we are starting to practise our sports events ready for Sports Day on the 4th July. Next week the children will be getting stuck...
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What a week! I would like to start this week by saying how proud I have been of all of our Carr Stars. Both children and staff have showcased everything that is so special about our school and have embodied our motto of Aim High, Shine Bright completely. I am so grateful to parents for...
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It was lovely to see so many families joining us for our spooky stone search around the school grounds earlier this week. We so appreciate your support at our school events and we hope you had great fun too. I can’t believe we are already at the end of the first half of the Autumn...
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