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School newsletter

We have been so proud of the children in Y3, 4 and 5 this week as they have tackled their end of year assessments. The children have all tried their absolute best which is all that we can ask of them. They are feeling really proud of themselves. The Y6 children have also been working...
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This week, the children across the school have been thinking about and putting democracy into action. As one of our Fundamental British Values, it is important for the children to practise having a vote and using it responsibly to make change happen. The children have used their votes this week to elect their new class...
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It has been great to see children in their new classes this week! On Wednesday, they had their first transition session and should have come home armed with a photo of them with the rest of the class and class teachers and TAs who will be working alongside them next year. The children enjoyed creative...
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It has been another busy and productive week in school for us. The children are continuing to work really hard in their lessons. We are really impressed with their learning behaviours and the way that they are following our 3 school rules (Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe). We are working really hard on how...
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Thank you so much for bearing with us this week in school. It has been a really challenging week being faced with so many Covid cases amongst the staff. Luckily, we have still managed to ensure the children have been taught by a teacher each day and stay mainly within their usual classes. I fear...
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We have so much to say thank you for this week. A huge thank you to a group of Y6 Carr Stars who organised and ran their own cake sale on Monday. They did such a fabulous job and raised over £100 for school funds. We are so proud of them and extremely grateful for...
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We can’t believe we have reached the end of another half term! It has been a short one but extremely busy. I hope that you all enjoy the Jubilee bank holidays next week and all the celebrations that will come along with it. We are looking forward to having our own Jubilee celebrations in school...
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Happy half term holiday and Happy Halloween to you all for next week! I am so incredibly proud of the hard work the children have continued to put in right up until the end of this very long half term. You all now deserve a good rest and some much needed family time before we...
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Wow, this week has been so busy! We have had lots of visitors in school this week from across our Trust and they have been looking at some of our key priorities with us from our School Improvement Plan. I am so proud of the children and how confidently they are able to talk to...
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What a brilliant half term this has been! I would like to say a big thank you to all of our wonderful families for all of your constant support and wish you all a happy half term. We have been really proud of the children’s achievements so far in the Summer term and definitely think...
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