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School newsletter

As we are approaching the end of term, the teachers have been assessing the children’s progress. We have spent lots of time last week going through the independent writing the children have produced across the term. It has been lovely to see how much effort the children are putting into their writing and the progress...
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This week I have been filled with Christmas cheer as whilst working in my office or in meetings I have been able to hear the children singing their hearts out in the hall practising for their Carol Concerts next week – it has been lovely! It was lovely to see some families at our Christmas...
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It has been great to welcome all of our Carr Stars back to school this week. We got straight back into our learning with a brand new Big Idea, ‘Game Changers’ and a fabulous Art week to launch it. Over the last 2 days you will have received the newsletters ari Knowledge Organisers for your...
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Once again, we have had another busy week in school. I am so proud of how our Carr stars have demonstrated our value of resilience. The children have coped brilliantly with another week of dealing with changes to teachers and teaching assistants within the classes. It isn’t easy at the moment but they are making...
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We are so proud of the 6 children this week. They have been doing their practice Y6 assessments and they have worked really hard. It is great to see how much progress they are making and how they are challenging themselves to try and beat their scores each time. I have also been blown away...
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This week we have been incredibly proud of our Year 3 Carr Stars as they visited Acomb Explore Library and behaved so impeccably that the library staff emailed us to say how wonderful the children had been! Next week, it is Year 4’s turn to visit the library – we hope they will enjoy it...
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One week to go until the Easter holidays will be upon us and we will have successfully managed to teach the children in school for two solid terms – for the first time in three years – with no interruptions! Over the last couple of weeks the children have been completing their end of term...
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It has been a great first week of the half term including a fintastic World Book Day yesterday. The highlight of our week was undoubtedly taking our whole school over to the Infant school to read to the children in Nursery, Reception, and Years 1 and 2. They read beautifully to the younger children and...
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I can’t believe it is December already! It has started to feel festive in school today as the classrooms have been getting decorated, the elves have started their mischief, carol concert songs are being sung and Friends Of Carr have been sorting out your very generous donations following our non-uniform day. Read the full newsletter
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Thank you to everyone who came to watch the children perform their songs for our landing event today. The hall was packed for the Year 3 and 4 performance and the children dazzled us with their songs about the Romans and the Vikings. In Year 5 and 6, we heard some gruesome songs about the...
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