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Jane Taylor


Happy Red Nose Day! Thank you so much for all of your kind and generous donations towards the Comic Relief charities, we have raised a fantastic £207.50. We are always proud to support such a great cause and really appreciate the support of all of our families. See below the details of another fundraising event...
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It has been a great week in school but a little quiet as most of our Y5 Carr Stars have been away on their residential visit at Kingswood. They have had an amazing time and have really impressed the staff with their positive attitudes and resilience – we are so proud of them! I would...
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It has been a great first week of the half term including a fintastic World Book Day yesterday. The highlight of our week was undoubtedly taking our whole school over to the Infant school to read to the children in Nursery, Reception, and Years 1 and 2. They read beautifully to the younger children and...
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It has been such a busy week in school. Thank you so much for supporting us at home this week with all of the busy things we have had going on. Lots of children wore their odd socks to school on Monday for the start of Anti-Bullying week. We had 3 days of very competitive...
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This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week. We have marked the week by sending the children home with their own copy of a ‘Happy Space’ guidebook. We also marked Safer Internet Day on Tuesday with a special assembly exploring the theme of respect and relationships online. It would be great to talk at home...
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Once again, we have had another busy week in school. I am so proud of how our Carr stars have demonstrated our value of resilience. The children have coped brilliantly with another week of dealing with changes to teachers and teaching assistants within the classes. It isn’t easy at the moment but they are making...
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Thank you so much for bearing with us this week in school. It has been a really challenging week being faced with so many Covid cases amongst the staff. Luckily, we have still managed to ensure the children have been taught by a teacher each day and stay mainly within their usual classes. I fear...
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It has been another great week in school with the children starting to explore their Learning Adventures in more detail. We hope you enjoyed reading about what the children will be learning this term in the year group newsletters and the new Knowledge Organisers. Like last term, the knowledge organisers are for you to look...
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Hello! Happy New Year to all of our Carr Stars and their families! We hope you have all had a great Christmas and a chance to have some precious family time over the holiday. It has been wonderful to have the children back in school this week to begin the Spring term and our new Big...
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From all of us here at Carr Junior, we would like to wish all of our Carr Stars and their wonderful families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We were so proud of the children doing their best and delivering superb performances earlier this week. We hope you have enjoyed watching the...
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