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Jane Taylor


This will be the final newsletter of the year so I would like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE thank you to all of our fantastic parents / carers for all the support you have given to our school throughout this year. I realised earlier this week that this is the first full...
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We have been so proud of the children in Y3, 4 and 5 this week as they have tackled their end of year assessments. The children have all tried their absolute best which is all that we can ask of them. They are feeling really proud of themselves. The Y6 children have also been working...
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It has been another busy week in school. We have been enjoying getting into our new and final Big Idea of the year – Great and Ghastly events! Children across the school have been working on their new Learning Adventures. In years 3-5 you will have received the year group Newsletters and Knowledge Organisers. Please...
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What a great first week back and start for our final half term of the year! A huge thank you to all those who joined us on Friday for our Jubilee picnic. It was such a wonderful sight seeing our children and families back together on the school field again enjoying precious time together, seeing...
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We can’t believe we have reached the end of another half term! It has been a short one but extremely busy. I hope that you all enjoy the Jubilee bank holidays next week and all the celebrations that will come along with it. We are looking forward to having our own Jubilee celebrations in school...
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We are so incredibly proud of our Y6 Carr Stars this week. Each and every child has risen to the challenges of their SATs tests. They have had such positive attitudes and have tried their best in all subjects – we couldn’t have asked any more of them! Read the full newsletter
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It has been lovely to have the children back in school after the Easter holidays. They have been busy starting the new Big Idea for the term which is ‘The World We Live In. Each year group has their own Learning Adventure and you will have received the latest newsletters and Knowledge Organisers giving you...
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Happy Easter and happy holidays to all of our Carr stars and their families! We have made it to the end of a really busy and challenging term. We are proud of how hard the children have worked right up until the end of the term – they all deserve a really good rest (and...
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One week to go until the Easter holidays will be upon us and we will have successfully managed to teach the children in school for two solid terms – for the first time in three years – with no interruptions! Over the last couple of weeks the children have been completing their end of term...
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As well as enjoying the sunshine, there has been so much great curriculum work going on this week in classes. Some classes have been doing lots of investigative work in Science. Some have been enjoying DT projects linked to their Learning Adventures which they have really enjoyed. Once again, we would like to say a...
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