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Jane Taylor


It has been lovely having the children back in school this week after the half term holiday. I hope you all had a really great week and managed to relax a little bit. In classes this week we have been busy carrying on with our Learning Adventure work and we have started a whole school...
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What a great end to the first half of the Spring term! Yest/rday, it was an absolute pleasure to take the Young Voices choir to the concert at Sheffield Arena. We sang as part of a 5202 strong choir which was a great thing to be part of. Our Carr Stars made us so proud....
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We are so proud of the 6 children this week. They have been doing their practice Y6 assessments and they have worked really hard. It is great to see how much progress they are making and how they are challenging themselves to try and beat their scores each time. I have also been blown away...
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Wow, this week has been so busy! We have had lots of visitors in school this week from across our Trust and they have been looking at some of our key priorities with us from our School Improvement Plan. I am so proud of the children and how confidently they are able to talk to...
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It has been another great week in school this week. Year 3 have loved getting into their Roman Learning Adventure with a special visitor on Monday, Year 6 really enjoyed their First Aid day on Tuesday and Year 4 have been getting into their Forest School sessions linked to the Vikings. Read the full newsletter
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It has been an exceptionally busy week for us this week. The children have really enjoyed their Big Idea launch activities. From 4 pretending to be Vikings at Murton Park to Y6 and Y5 exploring Ancient Egyptian pyramids or Mayan ruins through VR headsets, there has been lots of engaging learning going on around school....
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Happy New Year! We hope that you had the most wonderful Christmas. This week it has been a pleasure to welcome our Carr Stars back to school and start their learning in 2023. I was so impressed by how smartly the children presented themselves on Wednesday and they were all so positive about their holidays...
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This week we have been incredibly proud of our Year 3 Carr Stars as they visited Acomb Explore Library and behaved so impeccably that the library staff emailed us to say how wonderful the children had been! Next week, it is Year 4’s turn to visit the library – we hope they will enjoy it...
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This week, we kicked off on Monday by allowing the children to watch the first England World Cup game against Iran. It was so great to hear the collective cheer go up in school each time England scored! Year 6 were lucky enough to have a visitor from Bletchley Park as part of their Computing...
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This week, we have been looking more at our behaviour systems in school. We were really lucky to be able to visit another school in York to discuss systems, policies and practice which are having a great impact on behaviour and attitudes to learning. I look forward to updating you on our progress as we...
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