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Jane Taylor


What a brilliant half term this has been! I would like to say a big thank you to all of our wonderful families for all of your constant support and wish you all a happy half term. We have been really proud of the children’s achievements so far in the Summer term and definitely think...
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It has been lovely to see a bit more sunshine this week and especially for our 6 children who went to Homestead Park on Wednesday for their post SATs treat day. They had a great time playing games and doing lots of climbing! Earlier this week, we had visits from the Headteachers of Knavesmire and...
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Firstly, I would like to say how proud we are of the Year 6 children this week. They have ‹ worked so hard in every single test – we could not have asked any more from them. Well done you all. You all deserve a lovely restful weekend now! Read the full newsletter
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We have so much to say thank you for this week. A huge thank you to a group of Y6 Carr Stars who organised and ran their own cake sale on Monday. They did such a fabulous job and raised over £100 for school funds. We are so proud of them and extremely grateful for...
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It was lovely to welcome all of the children back to school this week after our holiday. It has been great to chat to them and find out about all of their Easter eggs! I have been really impressed with how quickly they have settled back into the school routines in the new term and...
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It was lovely to welcome all of the children back to school this week after our holiday. It has been great to chat to them and find out about all of their Easter eggs! I have been really impressed with how quickly they have settled back into the school routines in the new term and...
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Thank you to everyone who came to watch the children perform their songs for our landing event today. The hall was packed for the Year 3 and 4 performance and the children dazzled us with their songs about the Romans and the Vikings. In Year 5 and 6, we heard some gruesome songs about the...
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This week has been STEM week in school so the children have taken part in some fantastic Science investigations. You can see lots of the activities they have been up to on our Twitter page @CarrJunior York. It has certainly looked like a lot of fun and the children have been really engaged in all...
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Happy Red Nose Day! Thank you so much for your generosity and support with our ‘Break the Rules Day. We are so pleased to tell you that we have raised a huge £620.79 for Comic Relief – Wow! The children have had such a fun day being rebellious (we might just have to remind them...
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We have had a busy couple of weeks since our last newsletter. It was so great to see so many parents attending our Parents Evenings last week. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate the progress the children are making. I was really grateful to all those who completed a parent survey. We are...
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