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Jane Taylor


It has been another busy and productive week in school for us. The children are continuing to work really hard in their lessons. We are really impressed with their learning behaviours and the way that they are following our 3 school rules (Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe). We are working really hard on how...
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What a week! I would like to start this week by saying how proud I have been of all of our Carr Stars. Both children and staff have showcased everything that is so special about our school and have embodied our motto of Aim High, Shine Bright completely. I am so grateful to parents for...
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It has been a great second week back into the new school year. It is wonderful to see how quickly the children have settled back into their learning routines and they are showing super resilience towards the curriculum expectations of the new year group they are in. We are really proud of how brilliantly the...
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Hello and welcome back – we missed you! We hope you have had a wonderful break over the Summer holidays. It has been fantastic to have all the children back in school this week although we aren’t sure why the sun has waited until we all come back to shine so brightly! I have chatted...
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Wow! What a week! It started with some of our brilliant Y4 and Y6 Carr Stars showing off their sporting prowess on Monday at the SB Mat Sports Festival. It didn’t go to plan as the weather had other ideas but our little stars didn’t let that bother them and still did their absolute best....
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It has been great to see children in their new classes this week! On Wednesday, they had their first transition session and should have come home armed with a photo of them with the rest of the class and class teachers and TAs who will be working alongside them next year. The children enjoyed creative...
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We hope you have had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend. We have had a good week in school carrying on with our new Big Idea and we are starting to practise our sports events ready for Sports Day on the 4th July. Next week the children will be getting stuck...
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A great non-uniform day today! Thank you all so much for your generous donations towards the tombola for FOCS. These will help to raise valuable funds for school. This week we took our Y6 pupils to London. We were incredibly proud of their resilience as they tackled a very early start, a long day and...
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I hope you have all had a happy half term holiday. It has been great to talk to the children about what they got up to during half term – it sounds like you were all very busy! We have had a great first week back of the new half term and our last one...
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We were so impressed with the Coronation Crown competition entries today! A huge well do to all those who made them at home. The children wore them to our celebration assembly t morning and did their best royal waves to show them off. Mrs Hepworth had the tough job judging them and the winners will...
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