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Jane Taylor


This week I have been filled with Christmas cheer as whilst working in my office or in meetings I have been able to hear the children singing their hearts out in the hall practising for their Carol Concerts next week – it has been lovely! It was lovely to see some families at our Christmas...
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As we are approaching the end of term, the teachers have been assessing the children’s progress. We have spent lots of time last week going through the independent writing the children have produced across the term. It has been lovely to see how much effort the children are putting into their writing and the progress...
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I can’t believe it is December already! It has started to feel festive in school today as the classrooms have been getting decorated, the elves have started their mischief, carol concert songs are being sung and Friends Of Carr have been sorting out your very generous donations following our non-uniform day. Read the full newsletter
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This week, we had another visit from the Headteachers of the other schools in South Bank MAT. The Headteachers joined lessons and talked to the children about their learning. They were incredibly impressed with how calm and engaged the children were in their learning in all of the classes they visited. There was a real...
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It has been such a busy week in school. Thank you so much for supporting us at home this week with all of the busy things we have had going on. Lots of children wore their odd socks to school on Monday for the start of Anti-Bullying week. We had 3 days of very competitive...
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It was great to welcome the children back to school this week after the half term and hear about their holiday antics. They all came back with big smiles on their faces and looking very smart! Read the full newsletter
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Happy half term holiday and Happy Halloween to you all for next week! I am so incredibly proud of the hard work the children have continued to put in right up until the end of this very long half term. You all now deserve a good rest and some much needed family time before we...
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My goodness, we had a very dramatic start to the day today when one of our favourite trees was blown over in the storm! Luckily, some of our early bird and eagle-eyed Carr Stars and their families had spotted the tree starting to lift and came to tell us straight away so we could make...
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Staff and pupils at Carr Junior School are celebrating the results of a recent Ofsted inspection which recognises the school as ‘Good’. Carr Junior School, which is part of South Bank Multi Academy Trust, has been praised by inspectors in its first inspection since becoming an academy in 2019. At its last inspection in February...
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I am thrilled to let you know that our report from the recent Ofsted inspection (19th/20th September) is now out. The school has been judged to be GOOD in all areas including overall effectiveness, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. Earlier today, I sent a covering letter and a copy of the...
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