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Art & Design

Art & Design

  • Sketch books are used to record observations and review and revisit ideas.
  • Improve mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials.
  • Have a knowledge of and be inspired by great artists, architects and designers in history.

At Carr we want to engage and inspire children through Art and challenge them through an exciting curriculum. We want our children to develop a sense of creativity, self-expression, excellence and believe all children can achieve highly. Children are encouraged to be curious and experiment, and are given opportunities to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas. We aim to develop their self-belief and resilience as they invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. We believe that Art plays an important part in mental wellbeing through offering the chance for children to develop their emotional expression. We are aiming to foster an appreciation of the Arts that will last a lifetime.


We use the Access Art Primary Curriculum and have adapted it to suit the needs of our children and where possible, linked it to our Big Ideas to provide a creative approach, which reflects a balanced programme of study. Lessons follow the Access Art Pathways, which ensures that the children are building on prior knowledge and skills while being introduced to new ones. It provides the pupils with lots of different kinds of opportunities and experiences (media, techniques, approaches, artists), all underpinned by creative use of drawing and sketchbooks. The teaching of Art alternates with DT each half term. To ensure that we deliver our intention and cover the objectives set out in the National Curriculum, the Art lead undertakes learning walks and book looks regularly to analyse Art teaching across school and to ensure consistency, coverage and progression.


How we implement our art curriculum:

  • We explore the work of a range of artists, craft makers, designers and architects, supporting the children with sharing their opinions and understanding and appreciating different styles.
  • We provide opportunities to work with professional artists (extending pupils aspirations).
  • Teachers select an ‘Artist of the Term’ from their class to showcase year group expectations.
  • Competitions are organised during the year to engage and inspire the children to be creative out of school and develop their skills.
  • An annual Art Week is planned around a whole-school theme with a specific skills focus.
  • The children record their work and ideas within sketch books and these demonstrate progression in skills and techniques.

Impact is measured by analysing the quality of the children’s work and through their termly assessed pieces, which is recorded at the end of each academic year. We are continually checking the impact of teaching on learning, through lesson drop ins/observations, book and planning scrutinies and pupil and staff voices.

  • Children enjoy Art and develop life-long enthusiasm for art and design.
  • Our children become confident and proficient in a variety of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials.
  • Children can discuss their thoughts, ideas, processing and evaluate creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
  • The children know about a range of classic and contemporary artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Art Progression of Skills

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

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